Colloquiums Network of Université
Libérale de Paris
Colloquiums Network of Université
Libérale de Paris
All events & open
days of Paris-U
All events & open
days of Paris-U
Join, connect, and earn
knowledge and credentials
Join, connect, and earn
knowledge and credentials
thesis defend
open days
All the events of Paris-U
A colloquium gathers experts discussing an academic topic, facilitating the exchange of research, ideas, and scholarly dialogue.
Who could attend
All open days of SIMI Swiss & MI Swiss courses, including degree programs and micro-credentials.
Who could attend
Thesis Defend
Presents and defends their research findings, methodologies, and conclusions before a panel of faculty.
Who could attend
Schedule workshops
The excellent
Micro Credential workshops
Present to Paris-U academic board with excellent research support.
Paris-U holds thesis defenses twice yearly for its Master's and Doctoral students
The culmination of a postgraduate academic journey.